
‎“eventually, over time, we all become our own doppelgangers…
these completely different people who just happen to look like us”

i’ve recently jumped on the bandwagon of people who love the show How I Met Your Mother. Not only is it funny, but it’s a genius idea and sometimes makes me think that all the experiences i have now will one day be repeated to my children when i share with them how i met their father (that sounded cheesy, sorry). but i watched the season finale of the 5th season of HIMYM the other night and kind of liked what ted, the main dude, was talking about.

the quote i put above was what ted said towards the end of the episode when encouraging his friend that she made the right decision. she was questioning her decision to choose love over career, then having to lose her love after giving up a great job opportunity. but i just love what he says.

everyone remembers the crazy facebook phase where people were putting their doppelganger images as profile pictures. basically finding celebrities or other famous people who look similar and then claiming it as a doppelganger. but ted’s comment made me think about just how much i’ve changed over the past five years (that’s the time he gives in the show) and how i may look similar but i am a completely different person… it made me really look at how much ive grown and how different my thinking and view on life was back then.

memory lane.

if you are like me, digging into the past is something to be dreaded. okay that was a little dramatic i admit since there are some incredible memories. but there are other things that i’d prefer not to relive, even though they’ve been a pivotal piece in shaping the crazy asian that you see in front of you (or on your screen, depending on how often i actually see you!) alright i think iv’e done this before. BUT i’ve had more pictures… this is me and three of my oldest closest girls that i grew up with! i love them dearly and it’s super fun to see how much we’ve changed in the past 15 years!

4th grade


10th grade?...


freshman year
andrea's wedding
i'm not even sure... 2.5 years ago?

alright. we kept our same pose for most of it, with just a shift in the last two. but isn’t it crazy? to me it is! it’s weird seeing how much i’ve changed. Not only that, but i’m such a different person than i was back then.

a little older… a little wiser.

at least i like to think 😉

five years ago i was a junior in college. i don’t even really know what sort of mindset i was in back then. knowing what season of life i was in, i’m sure i was very idealistic and naive.

looking back it’s awesome to see how God has brought me to where I am now. of course hindsight is always 20/20. but sometimes i think if i were to go back to 20 year old me and tell her where she would be in five years, she probably wouldn’t believe it. even more so, if i were to tell her about how the past five years went, she probably wouldn’t believe me either 🙂

i met up with an old, old friend who i haven’t seen in… oh 11-12 years? and the craziest thing was sitting across from him and knowing that so much life had already happened… yet he still has the same mannerisms and expressions as he did back when we were youngins. it was just mind blowing to me that people can change so much and grow up so fast yet still be who they were. it’s holding on but moving forward…

even now, thinking of where i’ll be in 5 years… who knows? all i know is that life is too short to let the past consume you or let your mistakes define you. it’s all about what you can do and who you can be…

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